What does Google want regarding linkbuilding?

imagesThere are two types of people in this world:

  • People who hold things within themselves, who are more introverts.
  • People who like to put themselves in the center of the world, who like to speak, who are more extroverts.

The things is, sometimes people need to do SEO and promotion and link building. Which of the two types of people will do better?

In my opinion, the answer is – the extroverts should be able to feel much comfortable and do a better job at link building than introverts.

What do you need to do in order to do link building?

  • Ask people for links – beg, promise, help with the aim of getting a help back, talk, communicate, offer, beg again, negotiate. Extroverts will be better at this.
  • Create a community on social networks – build relationship with people online, talk with people on social networks, bonding, creating an atmosphere. Extroverts will do this also.

What link building methods do introverts prefer?

  • Mechanical stuff, things which don’t involve other people – creating links yourself, making links, inventing links up. Google will be better and better at disregarding this kind of links. Some methods work, but as a general rule, it’s not that OK to build link yourself. Not anymore. You have to convince people to give you the links. That’s where extroverts come in.

What is the thing in linkbuilding for which both introverts and extroverts are good at?

  • Providing a quality web site, to which people will naturally link. Do this and you don’t need to worry to much about external linking.

PS, 2020.01.21: The True Value of Top Publisher Links – Moz.

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