I previously wrote about Gattaca (1997) here:
- RO: Ce filme mi-au placut in mod deosebit?: Olivian Breda
- EN: The love to swim, the swim in “Gattaca”: Olivian Breda & Swimming. Gattaca. Again: Olivian Breda
I will now tell you it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen.
I told you I like these movies:
- EN – Le Notti di Cabiria – The best movie I’ve seen. The one movie I recommend seeing to anyone I know over 15 years of age. Go see it now! – Get a result now!
- RO – Le Notti di Cabiria / Noptile Cabiriei / Nights of Cabiria (1957): uita-te la filmul asta fie si doar ca sa ai motiv sa vezi alte filme – Fii eficient!
- RO – De ce îmi place Le notti di Cabiria (1957) atât de mult? – Fii eficient!
- RO – De ce să vezi “Le notti di Cabiria” (“Nopțile Cabiriei”, 1957) a doua oară? – Fii eficient!
- RO – The Grey: La limita supravieţuirii (2012) – al doilea film care mi-a plăcut dintre toate pe care le-am văzut: Olivian BREDA
- EN – The Grey (2012) – One of the best movies I’ve ever seen: Olivian BREDA
- RO – Warrior / Războinicul (2011) – cel mai inteligent film din cele pe care le-am văzut până acum: Olivian BREDA
Now, there’s one more – Gattaca.
I would recommend you to just see the movie, but if this isn’t enough, I will tell you down below, after you scroll a bit, why I like the movie.
(spoilers ahead!)
See the trailer of the movie:
See this trailer:
Now, for the reasoning:
- It’s just this idea – that you can become much more than you are. Beating your given facts. Fighting against your given things. Being better than what life has to offer you. Being a better you. Making sure that’s possible. Improving yourself so much, that you become great. Leaving room for being a better you.
That’s it. :) It’s the main idea of the movie, you should be able to see it very clearly.
What changed, with time? Just my view on the difference between what’s a given and what you can actually do in this life.
An article on this:
I love this movie.