Fury (2014) – a philosophical movie of war heroes preferring to chat rather than fight!

I just saw Fury (2014), at a recommendation of a friend.


Most reviews focus on the military aspects of fighting, the implausible scenario of fighting, some on the cruelty of the characters, some on the cliches of the characters of their behaviors.

My focus is on something else – the lack of pragmatism in an American soldier:

  • A battalion of SS fighters are coming their way, and they spend around 5 minutes deciding – “should we stay? Yes, I stay! I don’t know! Should I stay”.
  • They prepare a little and then they finally enter the tank. And they talk about 10 minutes. “Isn’t this great? Let’s drink. Life is good. Haha, this is so funny!”. It was unbelievable.
  • At some point, the rookie of the team tells them “Hey, the Germans were coming!”. They thought they were about to be killed, and they forgot to check if the Germans were coming. They weren’t even looking. All this while being pretty sure that they are about to be killed.
  • Then there’s the final scene in the fights, where Brad Pitt enters the tank and they talk for a while. Nothing much, just philosophies. He says he’s sorry. This is happening with the tank being surrounded by Germans, guns firing, and all. And two characters talk about war. (they could be shot any minute with anti-tank weapons)

I didn’t think they were at war. We, Romanians, have a song called “Miorita”. It has been translated. Anyhow, the poem is about giving up life, and considering death like a wedding. Well, I think this is OK, coming from Romanian shepherds in the mountains. But 5 American soldiers prior to the battle, discussing in a relaxed way about life – now that’s tough!

See this chart: Cultural Guide to International Business | Towergate Insurance on Cultural personalities.

PS: The Americans were all great, the Germans were all bad. Very cliche.

I really liked the emotions in the movie. One guy being upset, the other laughing, it was a very cool thing what they did on the emotional site. Really enjoyed this.

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