Free invites

Some time ago, I used to give free invites to premium events to people.

Some unfortunate things that tended to happen repeatedly:

  • When I asked people to make a review to post on my blog, I don’t remember receiving a single top-quality review. When I asked for photos to post, the photos were low-quality.
  • Some people didn’t go to the event and didn’t announce at all, or announced at impossible times to do anything about participation.
  • I don’t remember anyone writing to me about the event one week later, saying some things that had been applied from the event.

The event organizers might give free invites as a sign of goodwill.

But if people don’t care enough about a €200 event that they would pay €200, perhaps they shouldn’t go.

Right now, I’m very much against free-invite events.

longreach - People 5498
longreach – People 5498,

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