A pretty good book: „The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick LENCIONI

I’ve recently read a pretty good book: „The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick LENCIONI. I’ve actually had a second look on it, to make sure I got the point.

You can read an interview with the book’s author or read a book review.

So, what’s to remember?

You can have a pretty good idea on what the presentation is about by looking at these slides:

The most important part, to me, of the book, was the pyramid, with five levels; from below, the levels are:
1. Absence of Trust (Invulnerability)
2. Fear of Conflict (Artificial Harmony)
3. Lack of Commitment (Ambiguity)
4. Avoidance of Accountability (Low Standards)
5. Inattention to Results (Status and Ego)

These are the biggest problems to forming a team.

In the book you’ll find solutions to overcome the problems.

What I liked about the book?

  • It’s all written as a story; characters, stories, history, relations, dialogue, biographies; they’re all in there;
  • It’s easy to read, no fancy words, no complicated things;
  • It’s easy to spot who is doing things the right way and who isn’t in the book;
  • In the entire book you get a very clear and detailed explanation on how to apply the pyramid model;
  • The non-verbal cues you get from the characters are impressive;
  • Very good writing style, nice to read.

So, I recommend this book as a good reading and for a nice understanding on what the problems of the teams are. To read more: „The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable” by Patrick LENCIONI.

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