Finding models

I try to listen to new people, to get different perspectives.

On the other hand, if I am to follow someone on various channels, they need to give me good ideas – it’s rare to find someone to reach this single criterion.

Notice, I didn’t say the person I listen to needs to be smart. I met some speakers who gave me ideas, but, at the same time, I don’t consider all of their ideas valid.

Also, you can be a good mathematician, but you need some presentation skills to get the message across.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a broad knowledge on the world, or the ability to connect ideas. But they’re not mandatory.

So, when listening to a presentation, I try to put a single criterion – “The speaker gives me ideas”.

Two types of focus:

  • Listen to as many new people as possible.
  • Listen, again and again, on repeat, to the people that give me ideas.

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