Follow-up: CSR’09 – Turning Innovation into Responsibility (2009.10.20-21, Radisson SAS Hotel)

On 20th and 21st October 2009, I took part to CSR’09 – Turning Innovation into Responsibility conference. The event was held at Radisson SAS Hotel.Videos I made at the event

What did I learn?
– People inherently want to help;
– At Intel people do volunteering, but volunteering is not mandatory; Want to help? You are welcome to give a helping hand;
– There is no long term future for growth with high carbon consumption;
– A country that has a low carbon consumption route will grow faster;
– There is an emergency that is not present in Romania;
– Things are bad, but it doesn’t feel like it;

Ideas for future conferences
– You can put on the background of the laptop on which presentations are being held a picture with the conference;
– An electronic voting system at the conference may well spice things up a little;

Bottom line: CSR’09 was a very nice conference, I enjoyed it.

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