WordPress: let’s say you have access to CPanel, but not WP-Admin, what do you do?

It happened to me a few times: I had access to a client’s CPanel, but not its WP-Admin area.

How could I get into WP-Admin?

Solution #1 – reset password

  • You go to CPanel;
  • File Manager -> Open WP-Config.php in the root area of Public_HTML (or where the file is hosted), and see the database name;
  • CPanel -> PHPMyAdmin -> Open Database -> Open table with something like wp_users, see a username’s email, change it to something you own;
  • Backup – Also, at this step, save the user’s password hash, if you wish to set it back to that user, later, in PHPMyAdmin;
  • Go to WP-Admin and reset password;
  • Change back the email + (set a) password in WP Admin or in PHPMyAdmin.

What if the email system is broken in WordPress? (the server can’t send emails)

Solution #2 – change password

  • You go to CPanel;
  • File Manager -> Open WP-Config.php in the root area of Public_HTML (or where the file is hosted), and see the database name;
  • CPanel -> PHPMyAdmin -> Open Database -> Open table with something like wp_users;
  • Backup the Password of the user;
  • Use a site like WordPress Password Hash Generator | USEO Tools to generate a hash for a password you set;
  • In PHPMyAdmin put that generated password;
  • Login to WP Admin.
  • Put back the password in PHPMyAdmin.
  • Also, for this process you could also consider adding this plugin (WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org), it will help with sending emails. Or consider contacting the hosting. Now, it’s not urgent anymore to have the email option functioning very fast, so you can wait for their reply.
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