Why should you aim for client retention?

Why aim for client retention? There are several reasons:

  • You’ll have lower customer acquisition costs.
  • You’ll differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • You’ll distract attention distract from the price.
  • Finally, you’ll increase customer lifetime value.

How to do this? Focus on making your clients happy. After you’re reasonably good with this, find a solution to incentivize happy customers to recommend you to others. It can simply be asking for a recommendation or using an affiliate solution. Depending on what website platform your use, there are plugins and apps (WordPress, Shopify), or you could use an affiliate platform (a bit difficult to use, though).

I got this idea from Cosmin Dărăban – CEO & Co-Founder @ Gomag at Marketing Waves (2023.04.06, Mamaia, Constanța).

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