Follow-up: Concert of Easter carols “Christ has Risen!” (2008.05.12)

On 12th of May, 2008, I went to (and helped a bit in the organizing of) the concert of Easter carols “Christ has risen!”. Bellow you’ll find some videos I’ve made at the event.

The event was organized by the Civic Association of Romanian Orthodox Youngsters – Asociatia Civica a Tinerilor Ortodocsi Romani (A.C.T.O.R.) – and the Education and Youngster Activities Department of the Bucharest Archbishopric (Sectorul Învățământ și Activități cu Tineretul al Arhiepiscopiei Bucureștilor).

The event took place at the Palace Hall (Sala Palatului).

The interpreters were “Balada Bucovinei” group, Doina LAVRIC, Valeria PETER-PREDESCU, Elisabeta TICUTA and priest Marius-Ciprian POP.

More about the event and the event poster.

Videos I’ve made at the event (no embedding, since they’re 13 clips):

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