How to be better against Chessmaster software

If you play at Chessmaster‘s highest level, it is likely you will never win a game.

But, Chessmaster has a mode allowing you to pick the level of your opponents. So, let’s say you play against someone with 1200 level. The trick to win the game is the following:

  • At the beginning, there are lots of pieces on the table. The computer needs a long time to start calculating possibilities, because each piece has lots of options to move.
  • So, the trick is to gather some good advantage material at the beginning (a rook, two minor pieces).
  • Then, force him to make exchanges, queen for queen, rook for rook.
  • You’ll end up in the endgame with big advantage and, even if the computer can calculate much better now, with fewer pieces on the table, he won’t be able to beat you.
  • The alternative – avoiding confrontation at the beginning and just exchanging the pieces can get you in the endgame with relative equilibrium and it won’t be long until Chessmaster will be able to play on your mistakes and beat you with ease.
Adam Cohn - The Chessmaster,
Adam Cohn – The Chessmaster,

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