Cât de mult ar trebui să ții plicul cu ceai în cană? Dacă vrei doar sănătate, întrebarea e irelevantă.

“Steeping your tea allows you to impart the nutrients found in the tea leaves to the water or liquid you are steeping the leaves in; however, over-steeping imparts more nutrients and flavors from the tea leaves, according to a study published in a 2007 issue of the “Journal of Chromatography.” Over-steeping your tea may result in bitter tea, but this can be avoided by utilizing a proper temperature to brew the tea. This means 106 degrees Fahrenheit for green tea and 200 degrees Fahrenheit for black tea, according to Planet Tea.

Over-steeping imparts more of the antioxidant properties of the tea into the liquid you consume. These antioxidants, such as ECGC, have been researched in regards to cancer prevention. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that this research has shown that green tea drinkers have decreased risk of cancers such as breast, stomach and skin.”

(Health Benefits of Over-Steeping Tea | LIVESTRONG.COM)

De asemenea,

175°F = 79.4°C
195°F = 90.6°C
205°F = 96.1°C
208°F = 97.8°C

きうこ - maple tea, https://flic.kr/p/873h47
きうこ – maple tea, https://flic.kr/p/873h47

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