On “The Breakfast Club” (1985)

I’ve seen “The Breakfast Club” (1985). Thoughts?

  • It’s a bit aggressive.
  • I liked the difference between characters.
  • A bit in-your-face kind of movie.
  • The ending wasn’t 100% to my taste, although it felt expected.
  • I had some emotions and memories during the movie.
  • The script was engaging, I wanted to know what will happen next.
  • I only recognized an actor, the professor.
  • It was OKish, a bit above average, but I didn’t feel very good watching the movie.
  • I give it an 8/10.

PS: I realize how my feelings toward movies change as time passes by. Yes, I forget a lot of the details from the movies I see, but I react to those details differently, as time passes by. It’s just not the same thing. Perhaps if I’ll resee the movie, after a while, I’ll consider the movie different. Or, the memories I have in my mind, about the movie, will change my perception towards it.

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