How to avoid errors online?

There are multiple solutions to various online aspects:

  • To avoid typing something wrong, try to copy & paste it – a bank account, an URL, a name.
  • Use a Password Manager for passwords.
  • Also, use a Password Generator, in order to generate an almost truly unique password.
  • When you actually need to type something, double-check. Then, triple-check. If it’s very important, check one more time.
  • If someone gives you a photo with a banking account of a State account (Treasury, for example), Google that account. Type it, then Google it. Most likely, that account should be online, since it’s used by lots of entities.
  • When someone dictates a phone number, tell them to dictate it again, for double-checking.

junaidrao - #Design The imposing “Atomium”, designed by Belgian engineer André Waterkeyn to depict nine iron atoms in the shape of the cubic cell of an iron crystal. While long clad in aluminium, it is now more appropriately clad in steel. [4833 x 3254][OC]
junaidrao – #Design The imposing “Atomium”, designed by Belgian engineer André Waterkeyn to depict nine iron atoms in the shape of the cubic cell of an iron crystal. While long clad in aluminium, it is now more appropriately clad in steel. [4833 x 3254][OC]

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