On “Aladdin” (2019)

I’ve seen Aladdin (2019). Thoughts?

  • I once attended a workshop/conference where one question was posed – “With what word do you associate Disney with?” And it seems people associate it with “Magic”. Unfortunately, “Aladdin” (2019) has no magic in it. I didn’t empathize with the characters. I knew the script, I could follow the logic of the movie, but had almost no emotion during the movie. I love “A Whole New World” song, I’ve seen some years ago the original movie, but this one was so untrue. It had no magic, no emotions, no special things other than special effects.
  • I give the movie a 7/10 for special effects. I don’t regret watching the movie, it was still pleasant to see, but, boy-oh-boy!, so disappointing.
  • In the original cartoon – Aladdin (1992) – there were so many emotions. Probably it would cost less to make a similar cartoon, but with 2019 effects. Yet, Disney decided to do a real-life, live-action, movie. Perhaps it would have been possible to make it good, I’m not sure. What I’m pretty sure, though, is that the final result was not too good, in my opinion.
  • The graphics in the movie were great, I enjoyed the choice of characters, I entered the atmosphere nicely. Still, no emotion from the characters.
  • The script was rather boring, with some interesting twists, though. I enjoyed some of the solutions found by the characters.
  • The songs were nice, but I didn’t get any emotion from them.

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