AI for marketing: An introduction – Olivian Breda (2023.10.16)

If you want to learn more about “AI for marketing,” I made an introductory presentation.

Note: I’ve updated the slides; they contain more information than in the video.

Below are slides and a video.


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2023.10.16 AI For Marketing - An Introduction

PS, 2023.12.17: Două linkuri rapide de folosit pentru a genera răspunsuri:
a. Imagini:
b. Text (deși e mai bun ChatGPT accesat în varianta clasică:

PS, 2024.02.24: You’re using ChatGPT wrong – YouTube:

In this video, we dive into the top 5 mistakes users make with ChatGPT and offer practical solutions to use this #generativeAI chatbot more effectively.

From over-specific custom instructions to underutilizing ChatGPT for automation and beyond, we uncover common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

PS, 2024.02.24: Humans prefer AI-generated copy, survey finds:

The survey of 700 U.S. consumers found that AI-generated content was preferred by humans more than human-generated content.

PS, 2024.05.26: Humans can barely distinguish AI-generated content from human-created content:

AI-generated images, text, and audio files are now so convincing that humans can no longer reliably distinguish them from human-made content, according to a study by researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security.

PS, 2024.05.26: AI now surpasses humans in almost all performance benchmarks:

Stand back and take a look at the last two years of AI progress as a whole… AI is catching up with humans so quickly, in so many areas, that frankly, we need new tests.

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