The Hobbit (film series)

Regarding The Hobbit (film series): The movie puts emphasis on family, closely knit relationships. „You are not alone. You belong with us”. There’s nothing stopping them. In the beginning, Bilbo Baggins is reluctant. After he joins the „tribe”, nothing stops them from doing good. They take risk, they show courage and guts. They fight, they’re not afraid. They’re good and do nice things. Good prevails. (I’m still watching the movie, maybe I’ll update things after it ends) Update: see, here, in Romanian »

Follow-up: Dr. Ionuţ Mavrichi – „Secularizarea, miză culturală sau subiect de marketing religios?” (Casa cu Rost, 2015.03.11)

Dr. Ionuţ Mavrichi, sociolog, teolog (Universitatea Bucureşti, Durham University UK) a susținut la „Casa cu Rost”, miercuri, 11 Martie 2015, de la ora 18.00, seminarul pe tema „Secularizarea, miză culturală sau subiect de marketing religios?”


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