Două opțiuni – blazare sau creștere

Dacă ar fi să reduc o activitate, cum îmi și place, la doar două puncte, aș zice așa – după un entuziasm inițial, după o energie și pasiune, riști să dai în blazare. Durata poate fi mai scurtă sau mai lungă, dar opțiunile sunt următoarele:

  • Să te blazezi. Să fi văzut deja cazul din fața ta de zeci de ori și să ai gândul ăsta în minte. Să ai clasificări foarte clare (cum e articolul de față) în minte, pe boli, și soluții tipice, și recomandări generale. Să te plictisești. Să nu mai vezi rezultatul muncii tale. Să te oprești din inovație și căutarea noului. Să te irite când ți se cere socoteală. Să consideri întrebările altora puerile. Să îți pese mai mult de tine decât de omul din fața ta.
  • Să vrei să crești. Să tratezi cazul ca pe ceva nou. Să cauți surpriza, chiar acolo unde nu există. Să simți că e un adevărat dar să fii în poziția ta, și că starea ta, pe multe planuri e invidiată de enorma majoritate a populației lumii (să fii medic e un maximum pentru mulți oameni, pe diverse planuri). Să te axezi pe fericirea de după. Să simți bucurie când împărtășești altora din ce știi, chiar dacă ai făcut asta de multe ori. Să ceri întrebări de la pacienți, să pui tu întrebări deschise pacienților, iar când primești răspunsul să asculți. Să ai alte priorități decât propria persoană, în exterior (să fii confortabil pe planuri externe) și în tine însuți.

Câteva idei despre asta

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Follow-up: „Destine pe drumul crucii”. Proiecție film: „Evadat din Gulag” (Kuşna Amiredjibi), Lansare carte: „Drumul crucii” (Aurel State). (2014.01.16, Teatrul de pe Lipscani)

În data de 16 ianuarie 2014, a avut loc la Teatrul de pe Lipscani evenimentul „Destine pe drumul crucii” (detalii #1, detalii #2).

În cadrul evenimentului a avut loc proiecția filmului documentar „Kuşna Amiredjibi: Evadat din Gulag” – documentar artistic subtitrat în româneşte de Lucian D. Popescu.

De asemenea, a avut loc lansarea cărții „Drumul crucii. Amintiri de pe front și din gulaguri”, de Aurel State – ediţie îngrijită de Anca Crivăţ.

Evenimentul a fost prezentat de Dan Puric. Au participat: Anca Crivăţ, Marcel Petrişor, Lucian D. Popescu, Claudiu Târziu.

!Cover Destine pe drumul crucii


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The best goals to set in order to motivate yourself

What are the best goals to set in order to motivate yourself? It’s simple – put no goals to yourself. Instead, focus on creating a system in which you will like things. So, instead of saying „I’ll write 10 pages each day for a month”, say „I’ll find something which I like doing, like writing, and have lots of fun doing it”. Quotes on this: The researchers came to a stunning conclusion – one they didn’t expect and a result that turned conventional wisdom about both education and parenting on its head. The kids who were rewarded for their pretty pictures chose to spend less time drawing than those who weren’t rewarded. The children who weren’t told about the prospect of any prize continued to enjoy drawing, but the children who were given awards seemed reluctant to carry on without the promise of further honours. The initial award reduced the children’s motivation rather than spurring them on to greater heights. But that’s not all. The investigative team also asked a group of independent art aficionados, who were unaware of the goals of the study, to evaluate the quality of the children’s handiwork. The pictures drawn by the children who were rewarded tended to be rated as less competent, less skilled than those drawn by the unrewarded children. In other words, the rewarded children didn’t just spend less time drawing when given a choice in the matter; they seemed to put less effort into their art too. (source) A new study by a pair of researchers at the University of Chicago …

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How to avoid cravings?

First, read some more on the Stanford marshmallow experiment – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The Stanford marshmallow experiment refers to a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward (sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel, etc.) provided immediately or two small rewards if he or she waited until the experimenter returned (after an absence of approximately 15 minutes). In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI) and other life measures. However, recent work calls into question whether self-control, as opposed to strategic reasoning, determines children’s behavior. So, the solutions here would be to be able to think of something else (distraction) or think of the final prize (change the desire). The second solution, by Scott Adams: Expanding on that point, let’s say you have a choice between pasta and a white potato. Assume you enjoy both foods equally and you want to choose the best one for your waistline. Which do you pick? I recently posed that question to a crowd of ninety senior managers at a huge tech company. About 88 of them chose the potato. That’s the wrong answer because pasta is only half as high on the glycemic index. The two people …

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How to watch movies at a PC?

First note: It might be a better idea to watch movies at the cinema. Not for the quality of the video or sound, but for your experience of going to the cinema, the people you’re with, the people around you. Second note: I’m not an expert in computer software for movies. I’ll share my experience. The best program to watch a movie – BS Player. If you want to watch part of the movie, do something else, continue viewing, BS Player has the single most useful thing to me – resume where I left off. It’s got a very good search for subtitles. You set the language (EN / RO / whatever), and the software can automatically look for subtitles for the movies which don’t start with one already. Even if the movie has a subtitle, it can still search for new ones. It’s very good at scrolling through the movie, either with clicking at the desired destination, or using keys. It has simple keys (if you know the keys of WinAmp, you’ll do fine – XCVB. F for full-screen, Space for play/pause). It has simple to understand menus. As a setting, in Romanian, I like to set the subtitle font for Central European, which has diacritics – ș, ț, ă, â, î. I watch the movies in sequences, not the whole movie at a time, so I like to set the default movie to another player (VLC, Media Player Classic). I like BS Player better, but the function for continuing the movie where I …

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Will Smith: „The keys to life: running and reading”

Some things to add: Reading is nothing without reflection. If you only get stuff in, you don’t go through the necessary processes to do change. Some people advise others, for this, to stop and think (1) and put into practice what you read (2). I advise another thing – teach others. Give presentations with what you learn. Even better, write. Keep a blog. Make it public, if it makes you any better. More on this – Writing Is Thinking · An A List Apart Article. Will Smith says if you are hurt when you run, you should keep running, and this is why running is good. I’m thinking more in health terms – do sports, do any sports, keep doing that sport. At times, even if it mildly hurts, but don’t overdo it, and always ask for an external, proper, opinion on this.

„A religious person does something wrong”. Ooo, that’s complicated to analyze. This is quite simple, actually.

A. On a very simple level, you can judge things like this:

  • You have ethics, moral code, religion. You do good.
  • You live without them, you do good or you do less good. You have options.

B. On a little more complicated level:

  • You have ethics, moral code, religion. You try to do good. You fail & do something wrong.
  • You live without them, you do good or you do less good. You have options.

Most people stop at this. „Uuu, look at that person! That person has a moral compass, abides by the rules, has a moral code, follows a religion. If that person does something wrong, the system is wrong”. Actually, I think that it’s quite natural for the religious person to do wrong. It’s a very simple step.

C. I think there’s a third level to all these, in which nothing is what it seems, anymore. I’ll detail this in this article.


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