Outsourcing to China

One argument against outsourcing to China is that they provide poor quality labor; but is it a powerful argument? I liked this comment a lot: EN (translated by me): „When the salary difference will be high, this won’t matter. You can’t explain otherwise why so many multinational companies have transferred hundreds of thousands of jobs to India. The reality is that it’s first about the prices, the rest are details which can be surpassed”. RO (original): „Dar in momentul in care diferenta dintre salarii va fi din ce in ce mai mare, acest lucru nu va mai conta. Altfel nu s-ar explica de ce atatea multinationale au transferat sute de mii de posturi in India. Realitatea e ca in primul rand e vorba de costuri, restul sunt detalii care pot fi atenuate.” So, yes, there might be problems with the quality, and Romania may have an edge in here; but for a high price difference, this won’t matter anymore. Simple, isn’t it?

How to quickly check the links to a web site?

Let’s say you need to check the links to a web site; how to do it? The best solution – Register for Google Webmaster Tools (you need to control ownership of the web site) and you can see in there about 80% of the links that Google „sees” linking to your web site; The quickest solution – Search with Yahoo! Site Explorer (it only shows you 1,000 links to your web site, be them old or new, nofollow or dofollow, on the same web site or on different web site, important links or not; but it’s a fast way); The optimal solution for checking on the competition – If you can’t control ownership of a web site (your competition, for example), the best solution is Open Site Explorer (register for a free account and start exploring; it may see some links which Google might discard, it may not see a lot of the links that Google sees, but it’s a relatively good solution); The extreme solution – check out this article (and this one) for other in-depth solutions for checking links. Hope it helps.

I love ads

I like ads a lot; I generally don’t watch TV; but when I do watch it, instead of sports, movies, music, documentaries, I like to watch TV ads; It doesn’t take me a lot to see 90% of the most representative ads on the Romanian television, so I stop after a while; but while the fun lasts, I do watch quite a few ads (and most more than one time); Why do I watch them? If you think about it, the ad creators invest a ridiculous amount of money just for 30 seconds of movie; they pack lots of things in 30 seconds; Also, I want to learn how do others manipulate me, and I am very careful with this at ads; Finally, some are fun. And you?

Follow-up: „Mixing it up: Organizing creativity?” – prof.dr. Ian SUTHERLAND, IEDC MBA MasterClass, Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Bucharest, 2011.10.19

On 2011.10.19, I went to Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Bucharest to see the IEDC MBA MasterClass „Mixing it up: Organizing creativity?”, with prof.dr. Ian SUTHERLAND (LinkedIn). Below the presentation, photos and a video from the event. And my notes.

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